Information Animals! Vol 2
The boysen team is back with another blog! Come learn some cool facts about Lizards in today's blog, Informational Animals! Zara West is here to provide facts, quotes, and more!

- From : Lavinia Valerio

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Sienna Lily

Sienna Lily They are blind? That's pretty cool!

Ash Neal

Ash Neal They’re blind? That’s a new fact for me!

Seed Bartles

Seed Bartles WoAh they be blind?? (Eyes)

Ivy Thornbranch

Ivy Thornbranch Wow, these facts are so cool! Amazing blog Zara.

Tasha Lightwell

Tasha Lightwell Wow, I didn't know sloths were blind! Maybe that's why they move so slow? Thanks, Zara!

Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson Shivers. Down m'spine.

Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson Have you guys ever seen a video of a sloth swimming where the camera is half in half out of the water. It's so creepy, like, "I'm gonna getchu.... Oh, I'm gonna getchu...."

Jesse Johnson

Jesse Johnson 0.0

Banned User

Banned User Love this!

Haemia Sharafin

Haemia Sharafin Omg I love this!! Sloths are so cute I'd love to see one once

star Crescent

star Crescent Cuuute

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