a week in the academy

HEYO FIERY FRIENDS, welcome back to a week in the academy! This week, guess what? WE’RE HAVING A POOL PARTY! I have created a roleplay topic in the Diamond Spray River! So, I guess it’s not a pool party- It’s a river party. Anyways, I hope you guys are having an amazing day and an amazing week.

First, the Staff of The Week. This person is pretty new at their job, but they are an amazing boss and I LOVE working with them. They work so hard and make everyone smile. This person is..


Lets give her a round of applause and some cookies for being the best Transmission boss that there is!

And now for the weekly weather report. Guess what? The weather is perfect for a RIVER PARTY! Haha, make sure to bring your bathing suits and towels.

Sun: Sunny
Mon: Sunny
Tue: Partly Cloudy
Wed: Sunny
Thur: Sunny
Fri: Cloudy

Thats right folks- It’s really sunny this week! Sunshine, my only sunshine ❤️

This week’s activity is a riddle - whoever solves it first in comments will get a surprise gift from me!

I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?

Good luck to everyone trying to solve this riddle- it’s a hard one!!

And that’s all for this week guys! I hope you enjoyed and have a GREAT week 5-6!

Don’t forget… KEEP BEING YOU!

Shroom Blossom

Coded by Finch