Informational Animals
Vol 5


Hiii! I am Liz Summers, and this is my blog, Informational animals. In this blog, I will be writing about different animals and sharing cool facts about them! The animal I will be writing about in this blog will be… *insert drumroll* wolves!!!!


A wolf is a large canine native to the ice kingdom. Wolves are usually white, brown, gray, and black. Wolves vary in size depending on where they live.


Cool facts!
Wolves can live up to 13 years in the wild.
Wolves have 42 teeth.
A litter of wolves is usually 4 to 6 pups.
Pups are born deaf and blind with bright blue eyes. Wolves can run at 36 to 38 MPH.


If you would like me to write about a certain animal, sent it to me in letters! Thanks for reading!! :D


Yours truly,
Liz Summers

coded by Issie