Every Monday!
Class Spotlight
Myths and Legends

Hello! Welcome back to the lovely thing of Class of the Week! This week will be the Myths and Legends preceptor Isabella Laurier

" My name is Isabella 'Tiger' Laurier, though I am better known as Isa to most people and I am in the awesome, Jade Winglet! I decided to become the Myths and Legends preceptor for quite a few reasons actually. However, the main reason is definitely my overall love of mythology. I have binders full of notes on all sorts of myths and legends scattered pretty much everywhere that I go often. I think I even still have a few manuscripts for abandoned book projects somewhere."

The preceptor fiddled with their fingers a bit trying to figure out what else to say. "Ok so for a bit of context, there is no Year 1 course for Myths and Legends so there is only for years of topics. Year 2 focuses all on the Myths and Legends of Pyhrria and their impacts. After that, the remaining three years focus on different scavenger mythologies. Year 3 on Greek Mythology, Year 4 on Egyptian Mythology and finally, Year 5 is all about Japanese Mythology. "

They paused a bit before continuing their questions " Hmmm, interesting facts, where do I start? Oh, I know! The decoration and even layout of the Myths and Legends classroom actually changes each lesson to fit with the theme of the lesson. For example, when the Year 2s learn about the IceWing Animus Gifts, I always make sure to hang strings of paper snowflakes from the ceiling, things like that."

HW of the Week!

Below is an HW assignment that Isabella Laurier had choosen for this article! So give it up for Sienna Lily Here is their HW assingment!

** From the POV of Sienna as a second-year. **

Myths and Legends || Week 1 || Year 2 ||

Sienna quickly grabbed her Myths and Legend notebook, which was covered in stickers. She stuffed it in her bag, then re-did her hair so it didn't look like she just woke up. *I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!* Her watch read, *9:02*, and class started at 9am on the dot! She rushed out of her room, keeping a steady but fast pace. She made sure to steer clear of everyone so no accidents happen. Sienna burst into the classroom, only to find she was the second one to arive. She looked at her watch again, and it read, *8:58*. She groaned. Her brain was making up things again. Probably from sleep deprivation. She certainly hadn't experienced the greatest holidays- many restless nights of tossing and turning. But now she was back at school- learning time, fun! Sienna chose a seat and waited for class to start.

Sienna was a little disappointed that they weren't doing much learning today. But, then again, it was the first lesson, and most of the other students looked happy to be doing something easy. Hopefully things would get harder in the next lesson. But, if not, she wasn't too stressed about it. She ended up choosing a indigo-coloured piece of paper, one of her absolute favourite colours, and a silver pen. The two colours went together quite nicely. Sienna first copied down the questions, then began to answer them.

What is your name?
My name is Sienna.

What is your dragon tribe/s?
I'm a RainWing/Night hybrid!

How old are you?
I happen to be 14 years old.

What colour paper and pen/pencil did you pick?
I picked purple paper and a silver pen. In my opinion, the two colours went really well together!

What are your thoughts about the Preceptor?
Preceptor Laurier seems like a great teacher! I can't wait for her to teach us about different myths and legends, if I do say so myself. :D

What are you looking forward to this year?
It sounds kind of stupid, but I'm looking forward to learning in general! Different myths and legends have always interested me, which is why I'm excited to learn about them!

Which tribe do you think will have the most interesting myths and legends and why?
I think NightWings and IceWings would have the most interesting myths/legends because of their rivalries. In my opinion, that would certainly cause some myths and/or legends to develop!

Sienna finished the task swiftly, and she folded the paper in half a few times, until it was a little smaller than her hand. She smiled at her work, and strode up confidently to Preceptor Laurier to be the first one to hand her work in. She flashed the Preceptor a small smile before returning to her seat and pulling out a murder mystery book to read.

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Signing off, Sienna! Have a wonderful day :3

Sources: The lesson and the brain I may or may not have :O

Lysander Ambrose
Transmissions Team


coded by trev