Name of the week
Year 20 - Week 06

Good afternoon world of jade mountain!!

Welcome to a new blog named, "Name of the Week," where we dive into the fascinating tales of how users picked there usernames. Today, we will have the delight of uncovering the foundation behind one of our very own journalists, Hazel Autumn.

Question 1: What is your full name?

Hazel graciously agreed to be the first feature of our blog, and she reveals her full name, Hazel Rose Autunm.

Question 2: Why did you choose this name?

Hazel's choice of name is deeply personal and filled with symbolism. She shares that "Hazel" is not only her favorite wood for a Harry Potter wand, but it's also her real-life eye color, highlighting a unique connection to her identity. As for "Autumn," it's not just a season she loves; it embodies warmth, change, and a sense of home for her. The combination of "Hazel Rose Autumn" represents a mix of her passions, from Harry Potter to the pretty changing colors of fall.

Question 3: Did you think of using any other name?

While trying to choose her username, Hazel considered the name "Maple." However, she realized it didn't capture her personality and the essence of who she is as effectively as "Hazel Rose Autumn." she discovered that "Maple" didn't quite fit the multifaceted nature she wished to convey, as Hazel did.

Do you believe the name fits your character?

In response to this question; whether the name fits her character, Hazel describes the characteristics of hazel wood, known for its toughness and surprises, and how it mirrors her own complexity. Similarly, "Autumn" represented both the chill of change and the warmth of familiarity, both reflecting her multifaceted personality. So, she firmly believed that "Hazel Rose Autumn" was the perfect choice for the depth and richness of her character.

In conclusion, her name; "Hazel Rose Autumn" is more than just a username; it's a piece of art well chosen by it's user, that gives of personal connections, passions, and self-expression.

Stay tuned for more captivating stories behind the usernames in future editions of "Name of the Week." Until then, keep exploring the magic within your own names and identities.

Name of the week:

Hazel Autumn

Check out the transmission team if you want your blog published online!
Yours Truly,

Silas Wolf

coded by Issie