Every Wednesday!
Class Spotlight

Hello! Welcome back to the lovely thing of Class of the Week! This week will be the combat preceptor Aiko Jina

1: Im Aiko Jina, and i reside in gold!

2: I wanted to be Comat preceptor because an old friend of mine,i wanted to honour them through this role.

3; Combat may look a bit spooky but in reality its actually rather friendly with unspoken rules and lots of respect!

4: Combat class is actually a class that thrives in unique lessons, and if wanted, you can always mention a weapon of your favourite if im running low on ideas!

5: since this is newer to me i sadly dont ❤️ but ill love to see what everyone comes up with!

HW of the Week!

Below is an HW assignment that Silas Wolf had choosen for this article! So give it up for Violet smith Here is their HW assingment!

** from a pov of second year Vio **

Dear Journal, Hmph. You'll always be just a journal, and shall never be a diary. Ha-ha-HA. Anyways, in combat today we learned about punching and kicking and chambers. To deliver a satisfactory punch, you have to have your fingers curled right, you have to put power behind it, and your other arm needs to be ready to defend. These are important in my opinion because without them the lunch would've weak, you'd hurt yourself, or you wouldn't be prepared to defend yourself. We also learned about a chamber, and that's basically the period of time when you're lifting your leg and knee up to kick, and getting ready. A good chamber is vital to a good kick. anyways, gotta go for now. ~Vio sources: the lesson, past knowledge, my brain One from Vio xD Violette Huntress Year 4 - Week 2
Sources: The lesson and the brain I may or may not have :O

Lysander Ambrose
Transmissions Team


coded by trev