
In today’s SEO blog post, we will talk about Qibli, a protagonist who has an important role in the second arc of the Wings of Fire books.

Who Is Qibli?

Qibli is a Sandwing, who has one sister, Rattlesnake, and one brother, Sirocco, and he’s the son of Cobra. His family situation was hard since he grew up with his cruel mother under hard conditions and in a hard environment, seeing how he grew up in the Scorpion Den. Because of the hard upbringing Qibli faced, he grew up to become a Dragon who wanted to be good. He is good at solving problems, and he has a nature for getting out of trouble and outsmarting his opponents because of how clever he is.

Qibli’s Relationships

When Qibli arrives at the Jade Mountain Academy, he meets a lot of different dragons from a lot of different tribs and he starts to build friendships. He also does a significant development at the Academy, both when it comes to his emotions but also his intellect.

Throughout the series, Qibli meets Moonwatcher, Winter, and Turtle, and he develops a friendship with all of them. Moonwatcher and Qibli have a special bond and Quibli is one of few dragons who knows about her abilities to see into the future and mindreading.

When it comes to Qibli's relationship with Winter it’s complicated. They have very different upbringings and are very different when it comes to their personalities. However, they do have respect for each other and that’s what their friendship is built upon.

Tutles, who is a SeaWing animus, also has a special friendship with Qibli. During the series, Turtle's enchanted items usually have a big part when it comes to helping Qibli with his plans. Thanks to all the experiences they have together, their friendship grows larger and a strong bond grows between them.


During the series, Qibli has been through a lot of different adventures and even if he isn’t an animus, he shows that he has a great understanding of how it works. Thanks to Turtle, Qibli gets a lot of different enchanted items, which helps him build his understanding of animus magic. He also learns how to use the enchanted items to his advantage, making him a tougher opponent on the battlefield. However, animus magic can be dangerous, and even Qibli is tempted to become one just to protect his loved one, however, the risks are too big and Qibli manages to withstand the temptations.

Using enchanted items isn’t the only thing Qibli has been a part of. He was also a big part of finding Darkstalker's weaknesses, which helped stop Darkstalker. Here we can see how intelligent Qibli really is, and it also shows that you don’t have to be an animus to stop a powerful animus dragon.

What Do You Think?

  • What do you think about Qibli?
  • Do you think you have the same understanding of animus magic as Qibli has?
  • Would you want to be friends with Qibli? Why/why not?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie