
In today’s SEO blog post, we will be looking into the magnificent IceWings tribe. A tribe that is known for having scales that goes between silver-gray, to white and even pale shades of both purple and blue.

History of the IceWings

IceWings has always lived in the coldest parts of Pyrrhia, in the Ice Kingdom where they have built their homes from ice and snow. It's fantastic what you can create just from frozen water, and the IceWings have magnificent homes to show off. The IceWings have a strict hierarchy with an IceWing Queen on the top, and where you end up in the hierarchy depends on your abilities, how strong you are, how skilled you are, and what you have managed to accomplish. You can move up and down in the rank through duels.

IceWings and their relations with the other tribes

During all ages, the IceWings have had allies and conflicts with the other tribes. They have always had a neutral relationship with the MudWings, while their relationship with the SkyWings has been both up and down. Sometimes they have worked as allies while other times they have been in conflicts. If you look at the relationship between the IceWings and the NightWings it's mostly been conflict. IceWings and NightWings usually don't get along too well and there has been a lot of tension between the two tribes.

One other relationship that has had a big impact on the IceWing is their relationship with the SandWings. The IceWings allied with Blister, which fought about the SandWing throne after Queen Oasis's death, and due to this alliance, the IceWing's relationship with the other tribes was affected.


Abilities Did you know that IceWings are known to have more dragons with Animus magic than any other tribe? No? Well, now you do. IceWings has a lot of cool abilities. They can withstand cold temperatures down to subzero. They have very sharp claws, that they use to walk on slippery ice. If you haven't figured it out yet, a lot of their abilities have something to do with the cold and the ice. They have something that's called frost breath, which is also known as freezing death breath. I wouldn't want to get a scar from a fros breath.

Abilities here on Jade Mountain

Between the ages 1 - 13 IceWings can withstand any sub-zero temperatures and bright light. IceWings are able to withstand any sub-zero temperatures and also resistant to bright light such as the sun or reflection off of the water or snow.

Between the ages of 14 - 16 IceWings have Frost Breath which means that they can exhale a freezing frost breath that can turn victims frozen for 4 hours, as long as the IceWing is cold enough.

From age 17 - 20 Icewings have Ice Scales. While an IceWing is using the ability Frost Breath, their scales will turn to ice. Making it so they take little to no damage. Frost Breath may only be used if the dragon is cold enough and may be used for up to 30 seconds.

From Ages 21 and up IceWings have Snow Camouflage. They are able to summon a small flurry of snow to hide in/blend into.

What Do You Think about IceWings?

  • Do you have an IceWing Character?
  • Who is your fav IceWing character?
  • What is the coolest ability they have?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie