The colorful RainWings

In today’s SEO blog, we are going to look deeper into the tribe RainWings from the book series Wings of Fire, written by Tui T. Sutherland.

What’s special about the RainWings?

RainWings are known for their bright colorful scales, that most of the RainWings have. However, Rainwings have the ability to change their scale and go into camouflage, melting into their surrounding. However, they might have problem controlling their power when they are afraid or emotional, which can affect their ability camouflage or they might have a hard time hiding their emotions. If you see a red RainWing it might mean they are angry, while a blue RainWing might mean that they are sad.

RainWings are vegetarians, which means that they mostly fruits and vegetable, which is unusual compared to the other tribes, but not all RainWings are vegetarians.

History of the RainWings

The RainWings live in the Rainforest Kingdom where the NightWings also live. They are known to be peaceful and don’t interact in conflict if they don’t have to. They are known to be able to use camouflage to hide instead of head straight into conflicts. RainWings aren’t defenseless though, they do have venom that they use if they have to.

Before Queen Glory took over as leader of the RainWings, the RainWings used to have several Queens who took turns being the ruler of the tribe. They would have a system where they switched who was ruling after a certain amount of time, to make sure that not one single Queen would have too much power for too long. However, this changed when Queen Glory challenged the former Queens and won.

RainWings Abilities

The RainWings has a lot of abilities, and here on World of Jade Mountain your character can also have some abelites. From a very young age, the RainWings has the ability to use Camoflage Scales. This means that they can change the color of their scales to match their surroundings, making them blend into their backgrounds but not completely unseen.

From the age of 14, RainWings can use their Prehensile Tail for climbing and at the age of 17 they can use their venom fangs. This means that they can shoot venom from their fangs. Due to a genetic mutations here on World of Jade Mountain, this venom is no longer able to kill other dragons but once a RainWing is fully grown, they can kill large animals.

From the age 21, RainWings have the ability of Hypnosis, which means that they can use their naturally talented voices to send any dragon to sleep within seconds, but only for 5 minutes.

What Do You Think?

  • Do you think it’s better with several Queens taking turn ruling the RainWings or is it better with only one queen?
  • Which one of the abilities that RainWings have here on World of Jade Mountain do you think is the best and why?
  • When do you think it’s good to be able to change the color of your scales?
  • When would it be a bad thing being able to change the color of your scale?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie