
What do you know about the Hivewings and the Tree Wars?Do you know everything we'll cover during today's SEO blog?

What can Hivewings look like?

The Hivewings are strong and slim within their bodies. They have four clear wings, just like different types of insects. The scales of the Hivewings can be red, orange, or yellow, and they always have a few black scales mixed in somewhere inherited from the Nightwings. Some Hivewings can also be completely black and have green scales or splashes of freckleish scales. Each Hivewing has a pair of smooth horns on top of their heads and two ridges on their snout. The HiveWing eggs are white. HiveWing eye colors can be black, orange, brown, red, yellow, green, and amber. It was once said that HiveWing eyes have a "green-yellow-orange glow" to them.

What do hivewings like to eat?

HiveWings are omnivorous and eat animals like zebras, wildebeest, gazelle, lions, and antelope. They also eat sweets such as honey drops and nectar, as well as vegetables grown in the Hive greenhouses. Cricket stated that HiveWings do not like to eat most reptiles, such as lizards or snakes, because they believe they may be related to dragons.

What types of names can they have?

HiveWings are named after various insects, annelids, and arachnids, such as bees, wasps, ants, beetles, weevils, crickets, mantids, Earthworm, Bloodworm, and Vinegaroon.

What is their History like?

Before the Tree Wars

When the HiveWings formed their tribe, they peacefully lived together with other Pantalan tribes. Before the Tree Wars, the HiveWings lived in Pantala's forests, preferring cliffs and caves. It was initially believed that a Book of Clearsight listed HiveWing heirs, but this was a lie known only to the queen. In reality, HiveWing queens chose their successors. HiveWing books also overlooked that the tribe was formed from Clearsight's offspring with BeetleWings and that HiveWings and SilkWings are related. The tribes could intermingle until Scarab's great-great-grandmother ordered it stopped. The HiveWing queen would meet with the SilkWing and LeafWing queen occasionally to resolve disputes.

After the Tree Wars

HiveWings lived in cities called Hives, once ruled by Queen Wasp and her female relatives. They were top citizens, outranking SilkWings. Wasp's relatives governed other Hives and held the title of lady. The queen outranked the females but did not mind-control them according to Morpho.

HiveWing schools required dragonets to specialize at a young age and receive basic education at academies before continuing their specialized education at one of the nine Hive universities. Each Hive had a university specializing in a different career set, and most dragonets' career paths were guided by their parents.

It was challenging for HiveWings to get a divorce because they needed permission from the queen to do so. If the queen allowed a HiveWing couple to get divorced, they had to go through a challenging separation request process. Additionally, it was strongly forbidden for a HiveWing and a SilkWing to be together. The HiveWings used SilkWings as servants, taking advantage of them for their own needs in roles such as cooks, butlers, and secretaries. The servants followed their mistress. In Jewel Hive, HiveWings owned SilkWing servants as an accessory, often trying to make them look more luxurious than others. They would often make them stand in windows just to look pretty or parade them around.

What abilities can Hivewings have?

Hivewing abilities are genetic and can be passed down. The HiveWings' powers vary from dragon to dragon, but many have no powers. Some of these powers include sharp stingers from their wrists or claws, venom in their teeth, claws or stingers, a paralyzing toxin known as nerve poison that can paralyze targets, boiling acid from a stinger, and creating a horrible smell. A dragon paralyzed by the HiveWings can be "unparalyzed" when given a stimulant. The book described the HiveWings' toxin as "fire burning every nerve in your body", and "all you want to do is run or fly or even blink, but you cannot move a single muscle until the toxin wears off". Wasp could control the mind of any HiveWing she injected with the breath of evil, kept in her greenhouse garden. The mind-controlled HiveWings had pure white eyes and moved in unison, similar to being hypnotized. Similar to SilkWings, the HiveWings have an internal clock that keeps their days on schedule and alerts them to the approach of the rainy season.

What Do You Think?

  • Who is your favorite Hivewing?
  • What ability do you think is the coolest?
  • Do you have a Hivewing character?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie