SeaWings: What Are They

Today's SEO blog is about the SeaWings. We look closer at famous SeaWings and what's special with them.

Special Traits Of SeaWings

SeaWings have had an immense amount of Animus dragons born into their tribe, and were one of the first to witness the damage of too much Animus Magic usage. SeaWings also live mostly underwater, and while they have gills, they cannot verbally speak underwater, so they create a language with the spots on their body that light up. Their language is called Aquatic, and is not inherently known. SeaWings have enhanced speed and reflexes in water, as it is their natural habitat, and they are the superior species there.

SeaWing Diet and Physicality

SeaWings are colored in the scheme of green, blue, and teal. Seawings have markings on their wings, tail, neck, and body that glow. SeaWings also webs between their toes, horns, and on the back of their neck. These help SeaWings to move more fluidly in water. Most food that SeaWings eat is raw, and almost always an aquatic animal that they hunted themselves. Some examples of such aquatic animals are squid, eels, octopus, crabs, ect. When SeawWngs do hunt together, they can take down a whale. Most of the time, upper class SeaWings have harder to catch food, that is more fluid, while lower class ones may have food that is more gamey and easier to catch, or more common.

Famous SeaWings

SeaWings Royal Family

Queen Coral: The reigning queen in arcs one, two, and three, and the mother of Anemone and Tsunami Princess Anemone: The SeaWing princess who grew up in the SeaWing kingdom, and is the younger sister of Tsunami. Anemone attends Jade Mountain Academy, and hates her mother's overbearing attention.

Princess Tsunami: The long lost princess, Tsunami grew up on her own story of hope, and was stolen from her nest as an egg. She was unaware of her royal status until the Dragonets of Destiny visited the SeaWing kingdom. She is the headmaster of Jade Mountain Academy

Prince Turtle: One in a group of many princes, he was often overlooked and bullied by his many siblings, and often played with himself and stayed alone. He was revealed to be an Animus dragon, and used his power carefully. He attends Jade Mountain Academy.

Notable SeaWings

Fathom: An Animus dragon, Fathom is one of the first recorded Animus dragons to lose so much of their soul that they went mad. Fathom built the Summer Palace, where other tribe allies reside, as it wasn't underwater. Fathom was a beloved dragon, and opened many eyes to what Animus Magic did, scaring many.

Orca: Orca was also an Animus dragon, and noted as very power hungry. Orca challenged Queen Coral at age seven. She attempted to use her magic to secure the throne, but failed and was killed, but not before she made an enchanted statue inside the royal nursery, which would kill female royal SeaWing eggs. Tsunami later destroyed this statue, but not after many eggs were killed, and Queen Coral was extremely paranoid from her many losses.

What Do You Think?

  • Which SeaWing is your favorite?
  • Why do you think SeaWings have a lot of Animus dragons?
  • Do you have a SeaWing character?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie