Firefly WoF

In today's SEO blog, we will be talking about Firefly, the possible daughter of Glory and Deathbringer. Let's jump right in!

Who is Firefly?

Firefly is one of the dragonets that is seen in one of Moonwatchers' visions. She is seen in the Jade Mountain Acatamy Library with two other dragons. They talk about the past dragons in WoF, and how the future dragons are so much smarter. The past dragons created war, and barriers between the tribes. It was rare to see two dragons of different tribes with each other. We believe she is the future daughter of Glory and Deathbringer. She has purple scales, with hints of pink and orange. She is half Rainwing and half Nightwing.

What does she represent in the book?

Firefly is seen with two other dragons in the Jade Mountain Acatamy Library. Firefly and the others are discussing their past ancestors and how it is a good thing that they are much smarter now. This shows that the next generation of dragons is learning from the mistakes made in the books, and thinking and learning from them. This implies to us that mistakes are a good thing. If you make a mistake, you and others learn from it. Firefly is telling us that you should make mistakes, and become a better dragon afterwords. All the tribes hated each other but after Jade Mountain Academy, all the tribes went to school together, then it was peaceful. The three dragons in the library can not imagine hating each other or fighting a war against each other. Firefly represents peace and the future in Moon Rising.

Firefly's family

Glory is the Queen of the Rainwings. She was one of the Dragonets of Destiny, along with Clay, Tsunami, Starflight, and Sunny. Glory is sarcastic, smart, and brave. Glory has green scales, with hints of yellow, orange, and blue. In the Wings of Fire book, The Hidden Kingdom, Glory challenged the Queens of the Rainwings for the throne. She did not want the throne for fame but for justice for others. Deathbringer is a Nightwing living with the Rainwings. He has black scales with silver star-like scales under his wings. Deathbringer is very quick at decision-making and has a huge ego. He thinks very highly of himself. Glory and Deathbringer met for the first time in the Ice Kingdom. Glory was trying to get information out of the Nightwing, while Deathbringer was flirting with her. After many more accidental meetups with each other that turned into adventures, their relationship turned into more than a friendship. Deathbringer is now Glory's bodyguard and cares for her more than anyone or anything in the entire Wings of Fire world.

What Do You Think?

  • Do you think Firefly is Glory and Deathbringer's daughter?
  • Do you think we will see Firefly in another Wing of Fire book?
  • What do you think about Firefly? Do you like how Tui T Sutherland added a bit of the future into the Wings of Fire books? Or did you not like it? Why?

Yours Truly,

World of Jade Mountain Staff

coded by Issie