Social Media Team Presents:

Meet The Dragon Staff - Revamped

Hello everyone! This is your Social Media Manager speaking here, Arverna 'Aurora' Destiny: For my first SEO blog, I wanted to do something special. After much pondering, I've decided to bring back our very first series; Meet The Dragon Staff! Ah yes, the nolstagia you would be experiencing if you are an oldie. For those who don't know, this series aims to help people learn more about the people who manage the jobs we offer on site! Each week, a blog will be posted sharing an interview with one of our graduate staff. So without further ado, our very first interviewee is... OVERSEER NUMBER ONE: Zeke 'Urchin' Damaris!

Hello my lovely boss #1, I'd firstly like to say thank you for agreeing to answer my questions during such a busy period of time! Alright then, let's get started shall we? So Zeke, I know we're all curious, what drew you to World of Jade Mountain? Was it your love for the fandom, or from other WoX sites?

Well, what drew me to World of Jade Mountain from the beginning, 4 and a half years ago was the user behind Garrett Marshall (Zeke's husband IG). I had no idea that the site existed before that and then I fell in love with the site and the community here. It's such an amazing community; everyone is very friendly, and I love that.

It indeed is amazing here, and well, Garret has done us a huge favor for bringing you to our lovely WoJM family. So... why did you choose to become the overseer? Was it because the pay is fantastic?

This site has given me a lot, friendships, roleplaying, and a safe place to be, and when the opportunity to become the Overseer came, I just felt like I had to take the chance so I could be able to give something back to this amazing community.

Well, you certainly have done a million for our community in your time as Overseer, and we've loved every bit of it. Now, I know you'll be retiring fairly soon so I wanted to ask, what has been your most favorite memory that you've made at WoJM?

Wow, do you mean that I can only have one favorite memory? I do have a lot of great memories from here. Some from my time as a Preceptor, some from when I was the Winglet Leader, and some from when I was the Chief Reporter of the Timely Squabbles but also a lot from being the Overseer. I will always remember all the amazing topics I've taken place in, but also all the I've been stalking. I love Sherb The Dragon which was created during a competition in the Timely Squabbles while I was the Chief Reporter. I will always remember all the items I've drawn for this site (I'm mostly proud of the Car, Airpods, and Headphones), but most of all, I will take with me all the fun we've had in chat, playing Gimkit and just the atmosphere here.

Wow, you certainly have been busy during your time here, so many jobs O.o Now don't tell anyone but the car is by far my favorite item on site. Alrighty then, tell us a little bit about Zeke/Urchin in game. What's he like? Is he the scary Overseer that some people may take him for or is he really just a big softy inside?

Haha, Zeke isn't scary. He is actually pretty friendly. He always takes time to listen to people, even if he does not always feel like he has time. He is a busy man with a lot going on in his life. He is a person who loves to flirt, which isn't that good seeing how he is married. Unfortunately, he's unfaithful which gives him a lot of bad conscience. Zeke is a person who doesn't like showing emotions out in public, but inside him, he has a lot of feelings. He doesn't want to be vulnerable and he thinks it's better to be the one hurting other than being hurt himself. He is friendly, but probably not a person you should date.

Oofed. Everyone watch out, don't be fooled by his handsomeness, you'll probably get your heart broken. Okay finally, for the most anticipated question of the series, could you please tell us a little bit about the person behind Zeke?

Oh, the person behind Zeke. Well, I'm a quite busy person in real life, who loves coding and DnD. Some of you know me from the codes I used to create for WoX sites under the name InsertNameHere7979, however, it was some time ago since I made new codes for my Tumblr. However, that's because I've been in college studying but I'm almost done, and this summer I'm allowed to start working as a frontend developer. Oh, and some of you might not know this, but in real life, I'm a girl and I'm one of the Mugwumps helping all WoX and WoP sites. Thank you for taking the time to talk to me, and I'm sure I'll see all of you around 😏

Amazing, thank you for your time as well Zeke! I'm sure people were suprised by some of that information there. Well, enjoy your retirement days, and best wishes to your cough real cough job!

Extra Note:

Hello again my lovelies! Recently, I've noticed that our blogs haven't been getting as much love as they deserved, so I've decided that we'll give some little rewards to users that frequently enteract with these posts. How can you become one of those users? Well, all you have to do is like and comment on four of the SEO blogs posted starting from this one, and write a little wall post telling us what your favorite part of any of those four posts were! Once you have done that, be sure to send me, Arverna Destiny a letter and you'll soon recieve some fun rewards!

Well, that's a wrap of our first edition of 'Meet The Dragon Staff - Revamped', so see you all next time and may the winds be with you,

coded by Issie