Social Media Team Presents:

Meet The Dragon Staff - Revamped

Hello everyone, It's your This is your Social Media Manager, Arverna 'Aurora' Destiny and welcome back to another interview with our amazing staff! Today I have with me none other than our big boss lady and OVERSEER #2... Clara 'Glass' Cooper!

Hello big boss #2! I have plenty of questions and I’m sure you’ll have plenty of answers. Let’s jump straight into it then! So Clara, I know you’ve recently transitioned from Head of Academy to Overseer. Are you excited, nervous? What changes are you expecting to bring to our amazing WoJM?

Yes, that's right! Both excited and nervous, for sure. It feels like a big jump, knowing the shoes I have to fill. But I'm glad I have Zeke to lean on during this transition period. I'm working on a couple projects at the moment, including revamping the topic locations to include descriptions of the individual locations, updating the rules and guidelines, and planning some fun events!

I'm sure you'll be just as awesome as Zeke. I can't wait for what you have in store for us! Right, now I know you’ve been here since the very beginning on different users– Tell us, what got you into Wings of fire? Did the site come first or did the books O.o?

Not quite the beginning, but over 3 years ago! You may remember me as Cassiopeia Graves or Xanthia Forsythe, both Jade Winglet Leaders. The books definitely came first, several years ago. I read them all in elementary school, plus the graphic novels! But I didn't discover WoX sites until a couple years later, starting with WoP US, then WoO, and then the others. So it's been a while since I was first introduced to the fandom, it was a crucial part of my childhood.

Ah so your practically old enough to be our sites grandmama. Amazing! Divulge us on Clara/Glass's personality in game. Are they serious, sarcastic, funny?

Clara is...interesting! She's seen a lot of things, been a lot of places. She's young, but she knows more than you would expect. She has a background in politics, military, and espionage, which makes her a strong leader. But it doesn't necessarily make her a great person. Clara has never been described as kind or caring. She's very difficult to figure out, extremely eccentric, and often doesn't make much sense at all.

Wow, she definetly doesn't sound like someone I'd personally want to mess with. Be friends with however? Absolutely. Okay, a little out of pocket, but if you were to be stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean, which graduate staff member would you want to be stranded with and why?

Interesting. Ludwig is in the running for obvious reasons, as is Zeke with all his wisdom. But I'd say my first choice would be Kenzie. She's straight-forward, logical, street-smart, and resilient. She'd be great in a pinch and know what to do. Plus, her and Clara get along swimmingly!

Sounds like girl power right there. You two wouldn't be surving, you'd be thriving. And lastly, give us a sneak peak into the person behind Clara, what are they like?

Oh that's me! I'm not great at describing myself or writing about myself, so come talk to me and find out for yourself! If you want a couple surface level things though, I'm a big environmental/sustainable gal, very outdoorsy, and a little bit out of pocket. I'm in chat a decent amount, and love to get to know new and old users alike.

I'm sure we can all relate, who isn't a bit wild sometimes? Thank you for coming in today Clara and giving such amazing insights!

Extra Note:

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Anywho, that is all for this weeks edition of 'Meet The Dragon Staff - Revamped', so see you all next time and may the winds be with you,

coded by Issie