By Yahli "Velvet" Morningstar
Hello, hello, lovely Dragons!!
Here Yahli "Velvet" again with an amazing new section.

Yes, yes, yes, starting today and every fortnight I will bring you a fantastic interview with a member of our Dragon Staff. We want everyone to get to know us a little better and explain what this place means to everyone. We want all young dragonets to feel that they are welcome and that if anyone likes any of the jobs that we offer, get to know the people who manage them a little more.
So today, of course, we start big, because he is the “mum” of this great family and because he will give everything for her. Because he is an excellent person and a great worker, for all that, today I present to you our OVERSEER: Garrett “Eclipse” Marshall ”.



Hello, my dear Garrett, first of all I want to thank you for your time dedicated to this interview, since you are a very busy man well. I hope you are comfortable because we started !!

You have recently arrived at the position of  Overseer... How do you feel about being in a job with so much responsibility?


I am looking forward to taking on the role of  Overseer, it is one with such a high responsibility but I believe that together with my dream team we can do wonders! I am truly honoured to be the Overseer for this wonderful site and I know that we have great things coming in the near future! I hope that I will do you all proud in the coming years because you have to put up with me for a very long time! 



That’s  sounds wonderful dear!! Okey, managing a team of a lot of people, apart from checking that everything is correct at the site ... it is an overwhelming job ... Why do you think you are there? What can you contribute to WoJM?


I believe the main thing I can contribute is my sense of fairness and balance. I operate on an open door policy. No question, worry or thought is too big or too small. I am always here to answer it. This site is a family and I am proud to be the one leading it. I think that together with all our minds and creativity we can create something wonderful. Whilst it is true I do have some experience, I know I am learning just as much as all of you! I'd like to think my ability to listen, respect and hard work go a long long way!


Yes, I can certify that ability to listen and his enormous patience too ...Can you tell us something about the person behind Garrett Marshall?


The person behind Garrett is just like all of you. He sleeps odd times and can be quite cheeky. I'd like to think he has a big heart and time for anyone and is always willing to lend a hand. He lives off chai and power naps and is very grateful for the online family he has here. 



A lovely man... And what is Garrett IG like, what would you highlight about him and his dragon side? Is he really going to leave us "eclipsed" with that captivating personality?


Hmmm... I would say the first thing you notice about Garrett is his smile, he always has a smile for anyone even when he is stressed and panicking. You will often see him running around the Academy with a cup of chai and chatting to Roshana or even planning with the Council. He has big plans and dreams and he is not afraid of the hard work or butt kicking he has to do to make them happen. 


Now "Eclipse" is quite a mystery, he is almost the opposite of Garrett. He is stern and commands respect. Whilst charming , he certainly shows his royalty. One may almost call him the original King ;) . He stands up for what is right and he certainly is not afraid of a little fire....




Oh, I see !! And finally, Garrett, please tell me… you were here in WoJM from the beginning, what does this place mean to you?


If we are being completely honest, WoJM has not had the easiest of beginnings but I hope to change that. This place will always mean family to me and I am very fortunate to consider a lot of the hard working staff here family and very looking forward to getting to know the others too! The Jade Mountain Academy and surroundings will open it's doors to anyone and for me that is truly special. For whether you are quiet and shy, big and captivating, you will find your place here and that is what makes this site special. The feeling of family. 



Yes, dear Dragons, big and small, here we are a big family. So ALOHA OHANA, see you in the next article !!

With a lot of love,


Social Media Counsellor.



Social Media Team.