The Color Yellow.


Yellow. The color of the sunflowers, lemons, baby chicks, and of course, the sun. When you first see this color, what do you think of?

Maybe you think of happiness, or even enlightment or fascination. Or perhaps you feel disgust because you don't like this happiness-associated color.

Whatever this color means to you, I personally think that this color matches a very special dragon in the Wings of Fire Universe? If you couldn't tell from headline, this bubbly dragon is, of course, Sunny, the passionate and warm Sandwing of the Dragonet Prophecy.

Now, the color yellow represents a lot of things in different cultures- for example, yellow symbolizes happiness in Egypt, but also represents mourning at the same time. In general, yellow is a very cheerful color that gives off very youthful vibes and is also a very sharp culture.

Sunny herself is a very perky and friendly dragon, which also encompasses what the color yellow means. Throughout her appearances in each of the books, she's always a ray of sunshine (perfect for her name!) and very sweet and passionate about the things she does. Not only that, but Sunny is also a very agreeable, lovable, and sympathetic, shown when she interacts with other characters. A lot of the dragons in the books think that Sunny is a very enjoyable person to be around, and who wouldn't think that?

Perhaps it was the right thing for Sutherland to make Sunny a Sandwing- after all, her personality is an exceptional representation of the color yellow. Do you think that the color yellow matches Sunny, or do you think another color is a better representation? Let me know in the comments below!

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