Informational Animals
Vol 4


Hiii! I am Liz Summers, and this is my blog, Informational animals. In this blog, I will be writing about different animals and sharing cool facts about them! The animal I will be writing about in this blog will be… *insert drumroll* foxs!!!!


Foxs are a member of the dog family. There are many different types of foxs including the gray fox, South American fox, the Arctic fox, the bat-eared fox, and the crab-eating fox. Foxs have long fur, pointed ears, and a narrow snout. Foxes live on every continent except Antarctica.


Cool facts!
Foxes are great night-time predators.
Foxes can make over 40 different sounds.
Foxes can use the earth's magnetic field to hunt.
Foxes don’t just live in rural areas, they also live in cities.
In book 5, Stonemover enchanted a fox named Dinner to get dinner for Stonemover.


If you would like me to write about a certain animal, sent it to me in letters! Thanks for reading!! :D


Yours truly,
Liz Summers

coded by Issie