a week in the academy

ELLOOOO MY LOVELIES! Welcome back to yet another blog of wonder and joy! I am SO excited for this upcoming week and for all of the new people we are going to have here!

First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has made my year so much better! Thank you guys so much for what you do!

Another thing I would like to go over are the birthdays!! If it is your birthday, or will be your birthday this week, dont forget to celebrate it with a nice big cake! In fact, this week I am feeling generous! If it is your cake day, please letter me and I will buy you a special treat! :D

And now, for our staff of the week, we have a special user. She makes everyone beam with joy in the chat with chaos but also with joy. The staff of the week is…

STAR FIRE! Lets all give her huggles and congrats! YAY!

Now, for book suggestions. I don’t really have one for this week, but I DO have a poem- written by me!

You are pretty
Pretty unique
Pretty special
Pretty in general
And whether or not you are oblivious to it
You are pretty.

:) And dont forget it, guys!

And thats it for this week - I’ll see you later! And remember,,, KEEP BEING YOU! <3

And now for our weekly question! Here it is:

Do you like winter or summer better?

Shroom Blossom

Coded by Finch