© Coding by Kawaii-Lau

The Puzzled


Edition 5

Hello Academians!
It’s me, Roman Hearthstone, and this time, I’m bringing to you The Puzzled Dragon, in which I will give you a puzzle to solve, which can be both fun, and a great way to boost your brain as well. Let’s get started!

First of all, I'd like to say congratulations to Kallista Starfrond for sending me the answer to the last puzzle the quickest! Great job, Kallista!

This week’s game is a boggle puzzle. Boggles are games in which you have to find words in a grid of letters. The letters may join in any direction: horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, but make sure that there are at least three of them in all of your words. If you have any questions about the rules of the game, don't be afraid of sending me a letter. If not, then here's the boggle board for today:

If you have all the words you could find, make sure to send it to me in a letter called Puzzles! This time, whoever gets the most words to me will get a special little prize. Extra points will be awarded if you find names of dragons from the books, just make sure to point out the dragon names to me in your letter. Have fun!
