- Dragon Names -
A new section, which will have a few parts to keep learning interesting things about Dragons.

- From : Yahli Morningstar

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Dream seeker

Dream seeker I love dragons in general I want stormfly to make it on but I also want Mushu to also make in on the list

Renold Elrod

Renold Elrod I really hope Toothless makes it onto one of these articles. How To Train Your Dragon was really amazing.

Rayne ford

Rayne ford Wow

Fuli Hammer

Fuli Hammer cool

Selena Parker

Selena Parker That sounds so very interesting.

Charlotte Clawton

Charlotte Clawton so interesting :)

Arian mon

Arian mon SO COOL

Amelia Grace

Amelia Grace Wow! 0-0 This is amazing!

Lyla Reed

Lyla Reed Im with naressa! This is so cool! :D

Lily Quake

Lily Quake I'm with Tauriel! Smaug next!

Jack Creed

Jack Creed i like my dragon name its clever and this was cool

Raspberry Seed

Raspberry Seed This is really interesting!

Tauriel Greenleaf

Tauriel Greenleaf Ooh! I like this type of articles! Can't wait to see what other dragon names will be chosen for this. (Fingers crossed for Middle Earth dragons

Roman Hearthstone

Roman Hearthstone Those are some sweetly named dragons! I can't wait to find out about more symbolic dragon names!

Ashlynn Holland

Ashlynn Holland Drogon!!! He is such a cutie, well, sort of XD I love them all!

Naressa Queen

Naressa Queen This is such a great idea! I enjoyed learning about the GoT dragons!

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